Saturday, December 20, 2008

Crafting gone wrong, a layout and snow...

I have officially crafted a project that blew up in the hanger... I tried the finger knitting and the ropes turn out so great but they're small. I did do three strands and braided one scarf and that turned out kinda cool but I still wasn't thrilled with the width so I decided I'd crochet strips and attach them to the finger knitting ropes using a yarn needle and yarn. Well I didn't like how that was looking so my next attempt was tying the sections up with yarn in sections and then attaching pom poms.

The result is ridiculous looking; my dd Hope said it might be the colors? Her comment was I couldn't of chosen colors more clownish if I tried! LOL It's, also, insanely long! Right now it's turned into the longest kitten toy in existence! If you look hard you can see Miss Clawzilla going after it while I was trying to take the photos. At least she likes it!

At least I can still scrap fairly well. Here's Miss Clawzilla again. Amy Wolff teamed up with Amber Clegg and created this wonderful winter kit called 'Winter Sparkle' and the above page is done using it. The word art, which I LOVE, is from Lauren Reid over at Little Dreamer.

We're still buried under an insane amount of snow (23 inches) and ridiculously cold temperatures (-20 w/ the windchill). The last time I saw this much snow was when the kids and I went to Lancaster, PA about 8 years ago. It's amazing how beautiful stuff can be so crippling.

My dh and I are driving the kids over to Ellensburg today to meet up with their Dad so they can spend the week with him and it's going to be interesting going. :blinks: There's another storm system heading our way right now! UGH!


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