Friday, February 6, 2009

Snow, Panda and the Library

We might actually have sun today! Wow! I woke up to snow this a.m. YUCK! I wonder if I'm going to have this sick to my stomach, omgosh NO! reaction every time I see snow from now on? The hubby and I were having our coffee this morning and I told him I seriously want to move to Arizona. Since I had this titanium cage placed around my lower spine in '02 after a back injury I swear I'm a walking barometer, as soon as my back starts acting up I know we're getting some sort of moisture. I don't really care for this talent, it hurts.

I took a break from the Hexagons, I have 10 done and believe I need to have at least 30 for the afghan, not 100% sure? I was over checking out Threadbanger, yesterday, when I saw this crochet tut for a Panda and of course I had to do it. So I spent last night crocheting this Panda:

It's sorta cute and Meghi likes it so I'm giving it to her. She wants a skirt for it because it can't be naked so I will now make the Panda a skirt and I suppose this means that the Panda is a girl.

Meghi and I are going to the library today. Friday's are now going to be our official Library Day. I can't wait for the weather to clear up so her and I can walk, it's really not that far from my home and it will be good for us to get outside and out of this house. We're all a bit stir crazy from being trapped for so long because of the snow.

Have a great weekend!

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