I heard birdies chirping this a.m. Can it be that Spring is making its appearance finally?? This seriously has been the longest Winter ever and I am so ready for some sun and heat!

It's been quite a few days since I've updated but in my defense it's been crazy busy! The good kind of crazy busy and that's always a plus. I managed to finish the quilt, funny me learned that you can sew the binding on with the sewing machine to the front of the quilt but you have to hand sew it to the back. That almost killed me! Hope LOVED it so it was worth it, blistered fingers and all. My kiddos, also, had their Spring Break last week, it seemed as if there were a gagillion birthday parties -not just my 2 kiddos, Hope (18 on April 3) and Adam (14 today), but also my friend who has 3 of her own kiddos whose birthdays fall on and in between my 2. A heck of a lot of Birthdays if you ask me! Then there is the sheer amount of up keep that goes on in your home when you have 3 teenagers there day after day - I am exhausted and honestly glad today was a school day.

I have also been crocheting like crazy, I was so inspired by Attic24's
Crochet Bag I had to make one of my very own. I'm sure I posted a few progress photos awhile back, before the LRO but that HUGE project, which is almost finished, has absorbed way to many of my brain cells to remember quite when at the moment. Anyhoo's back to the bag...

I finished it yesterday and I am sooo loving it! It's HUGE! I used
Sugar n' Cream cotton yarn and I chose this yarn because this bag's future purpose will be that of a beach bag. I make my kitchen cloths out of this yarn and adore just how absorbant they are and so hatched the idea to make a bathing suit/towel/etc bag for when we swim this summer. Nothing like an absorbent bag to hold the wet suits and towels at the end of the day. :) Right now I am borrowing Attic24's, storing yarn, idea for it.

With the LRO done, well the majority that is, we were able to start moving some of the living room stuff back into the living room and out of my kitchen. Yay!! I was able to cook a little this weekend and it was sooo wonderful! I honestly can't believe I'm typing that... :blinks: I made cookies and tried my hand at a recipe I saw on Angry Chicken's blog,
Smallish Pies. They looked so cute and a lot less frightening then a whole apple pie I just had to try. I made my very first pie crust by hand (I always bought the already done ones in the past) using a recipe I found on Food Network. I really wish I'd of had someone with me who has made a pie crust before, I didn't have a visual to gage what the dough is supposed to look like after you add the cold water so I'm not sure if I got the crust right or not? It tasted good, though, and the family liked the how it tasted and the size so it couldn't of been that bad. :) I will definitely do this again!
thought I would check out soem of the links on Lucy's blog your bag looks great
Oh wow, your bag looks GREAT!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing, I'm loving all this gloabl hookyness!
Love to you
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