Monday, December 15, 2008

New Page, new kit, sniffles and visitors.

I recently found the baby pictures of my kids that I thought we'd lost when we moved in '05. I can't even describe how ecstatic I was!! The above page was created using Kitty's brand new kit out today, Dancing For Tomorrow.

I just adore Kitty's whimsical designs and am so happy to be creating for her!

Today has been a slow day so far, woke up with the sniffles and sneezes and am just feeling kinda blah... I need to eat an orange here in minute to help stave off a cold that I feel coming that I really don't need!

My oldest son and his girlfriend are coming to spend a few days with us over the Holidays and will be here in 2 days. I've not met her yet and would love to be able to say hi without sneezing all over her. :( I adore that picture of them together!

Meghi and I are going to work on a Holiday themed project this afternoon. I have these old bottles, they used to hold this yummy French Pink Lemonade. Meghi and I are going to pour craft sand in them after we decorate the bottles with some of my stash. I'll be back to post photos.


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